7 day retreat in Greece
(3 days seminar, 1 day break, 3 days seminar)

For the duration of the retreat, we will open your energy portal to the angel within you, your higher self and the high-vibration energies of the quantum field.

By constantly staying in these energies, the perception of the angel in you, your higher self, and the angels and spiritual guides accompanying you increases.
Here you will find time and space to deal intensively with the angel within you, your higher self, and the consciousness of the new energy.
You become more aware of your patterns and imprints that prevent you from maintaining the connection to the angel within you, your higher self, in the here and now.

The realization of who you really are deepens, the connection to the angel within you, your higher self, is strengthened.

The discussions in the group, the meditations, the sound baths and channelings create a protected space in which we can also address personal life issues and develop suggestions for solutions.

There is nothing to do, the angel within you, your higher self, just needs your conscious intention and permission – transformation and healing happens on all levels.

The retreat is free-led and channeled.

Our seminar location, Tolo near Nafplion, is located in the energy field of the ancient healing site of Epidaurus.

The beauty of the Greek landscape in the Peloponnese, the sun and the sea, the hours spent together that are characterized by joy, laughter and lightness also help to open your heart wide.

The hotel right by the sea invites you to swim, sunbathe and relax. The taverns in the area ensure your physical well-being and relaxed evenings together with their good cuisine.

It is very important to us that these retreats enrich your life and your development.

Detailed description of the respective dates: