Our focus is to remind you of who you truly are and open yourself to the guidance of the angel within you, your higher self. To support you by activating your angel vibration to easily and simply transform your patterns and imprints that still prevent you from living the angel within you.

Through our media connection to the dimensions of angels and spiritual guides since 2000, we constantly receive current messages, explanations and suggestions on how we can go through this transformation process easily, quickly and directly.

In this way the vibration mantra PO TA MI was given and explained to us.

In our workshops, seminars, retreats and energetic treatments we open the field of all-encompassing love and transmit the light vibrations and messages of the angels and spiritual guides.

They convey the meaning of the new energy, explain connections, new perspectives and ways to shape and live your life from the heart.

We started our development journey together as PO TA MI in 2000 and can say that so much has happened and changed for us during this time.

If you too are ready for change in your life, then begin to open up to the angel in you, the light and love that you are, and consciously shine in your world!